martes, 4 de abril de 2017

March 2017

Hello everyone!!
This month I would like first to refer to one important day we celebrated in our school in last month: International Women’s Day. The previous week students learned about the importance of gender equality and we mentioned facts such as there are millions of school girls who don’t have the possibility to go to school because they are girls and they are expected to take care of the domestic tasks, and many other terrible situations. Students made some charts to remember, not only the huge contributions of women in different areas in our lives, but also all the injustice related to women’s rights and opportunities around the World.

In SEL subject in Secondary section, we discussed some thinking traps which influence in our feelings and behavior, such as “dark glasses”, “fortune telling” or “binocular vision”. We also describe in which way we can foster a more positive thinking and reframe all our negative thoughts.

In Primary section, students had a good time practicing the scale of voice volume and learning how importance is listening for a good communication. Next month they will continue practicing their communication skills in the context of conflict resolution.

I’m glad to complete this first month of this second term, feeling proud of all students who showed such a good attitude and spirit during Science & Arts Exhibition, before, during and after the event.
Thank you all for your kind cooperation.


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